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Our Story

“Who is wise? One who learns from all people”  

[Pirkei Avot 4:1]

The SNAC community is a vibrant and growing community of Anglo olim.  Established 14 years ago, and the only Ashkenaz Bet Knesset in the South Netanya area, SNAC has grown to 135 families, a portion of which are part-time residents. We are predominantly retired or semi-retired,  British, but have a good mixture of South Africans, Americans and Israelis too!  
We hold multiple learning opportunities weekly for men and women, all in English. We also offer numerous tiyulim, most Tanach based to enhance our knowledge and love of Eretz Yisael.  Our Shabbat Dvar Torah is also given in English.  SNAC is a modern orthodox kehilla with the mission statement of Community, Commitment, Torah.



Kehilat Tsfat 5, Netanya

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